Replacing Missing Teeth
Replacing missing teeth has a profound impact on your overall well-being. A vibrant set of teeth contributes to your overall health, fostering a healthier you.
The absence of a tooth can disrupt your bite, alter your speech, and influence your dietary preferences.
As you place greater reliance on your existing teeth, the risk of premature wear, damage, or loss escalates. Additionally, you may encounter headaches and/or jaw pain as a consequence.
Tooth Replacement Options
Choose from various options for missing teeth, ranging from temporary to lasting solutions.
Suitable for anyone missing teeth or dissatisfied with dentures, regardless of age.
Factors affecting success include smoking, diabetes, and radiation therapy. Jaw x-rays assess implant suitability, and additional tests may be needed for proper placement.
Fixed Bridge
A fixed bridge is a connected set of replacement teeth.
For support, it is cemented into position on top of the teeth adjacent to the empty space. The protective outer layer of these teeth is usually removed or ground down prior to attaching the bridge.
A fragile, temporary and inexpensive solution is a removable plastic tooth with a plastic retainer, often called a “flipper”.
Metal Partial
A less fragile option is a removable partial denture cast in metal and plastic.
It is held in place by wire clips. A removable partial denture can be removed and reinserted when required by the patient.
The most common solution, for people missing all teeth in one or both jaws are complete dentures.
Some people adapt well to dentures. Others find them uncomfortable, even intolerable, because of differences in jaw size and shape.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are the most comfortable and permanent solution.They form a strong foundation for teeth and keep the jaw healthy and strong.
Implants support individual replacement teeth or secure specialized dentures in place. Unlike bridges, no healthy teeth are damaged.
Unlike most bridges, implants can last a lifetime. Implant-supported replacement teeth can be attractive, stable, and comfortable for almost any patient.
Get Yourself Ready for a Bright, Beautiful Smile!
Dental implants are natural-looking replacement teeth that can renew your smile. Book an appointment today!